In addition to this variety of options, though, another option Senior iOS developer job is available within the realm of the Kotlin ecosystem. One of these libraries is the kotlinx.html library which – as the library’s name suggests – allows a developer to generate HTML in a “Kotlin-esque” manner. Spring framework is one of the most widely used frameworks to build software with Java. Since version 5.0, the framework fully supports Kotlin and has added Kotlin-dedicated features.
Languages & Frameworks
We now have to configure our front-end build.gradle file to output the JavaScript files in the correct location and setup our webpage. We are going to be using Gradle to select that on the left hand side and on the right hand side add support for Java and Kotlin (Java). The purpose of the full-stack project is to house the common code if we have any, so JavaScript support is not needed. There is a lot to cover here, so as I mentioned in the intro, we will only be covering building API’s and browser-side scripting using Kotlin.
Kotlin and Spring
Kotlin compiles to JVM bytecode, which can be executed by any JVM-based application. The Kotlin compiler (kotlinc) translates Kotlin Software engineering code into JVM bytecode, which is then executed by the JVM. To get started, we need to set up a new Kotlin project using a build system like Gradle or Maven. Once the project is set up, we can configure the necessary dependencies for Ktor and Kotlin Exposed. By distinguishing between nullable and non-nullable types at the language level, Kotlin enforces null safety and eliminates null pointer exceptions at compile-time. This feature leads to more reliable and robust code, reducing the risk of runtime crashes caused by null references.
Understanding the Basics of HTML & CSS
Kotlin was initially designed as an alternative JVM programming language, meaning that Kotlin can be used anywhere where Java is used. Thanks to Java interoperability, it is easy to use any of the existing frameworks and libraries that are familiar to Java developers. This all greatly simplifies the adoption of Kotlin for application development on the JVM.
Example 3: Creating a Table
Google Cloud Platform offers a series of tutorials for deploying Kotlin applications to GCP, both for Ktor and App Engine and Spring and App engine. In addition, there is an interactive code lab for deploying a Kotlin Spring application. In this test example, we have created one test user and two mock articles and then we stated that for every repository request to find all articles, we return a list of mocked articles. After preparations for the test, we can compose a mock HTTP request using MockMVC. We are telling MockMVC to perform a GET request on ‘/api/article’ and to expect content in the JSON format.
- Fortunately, IntelliJ IDEA includes a powerful debugger that makes it easy to debug Kotlin applications.
- Fritz2 is a standalone framework for building reactive web user interfaces.
- is an easy web service that allows you to find a Kotlin Multiplatform library for a specific purpose that supports selected platforms (JVM, Android JVM, Wasm, JS, Kotlin/Native).
- The framework is known for being easy to learn, especially for developers who are just starting with backend development.
The choice of framework depends on your project requirements and preferences. One of the tasks that consume a lot of time when programming in Java is creating Data Classes. The operation bears risks of creating additional bugs in the program which results in longer bug fixing iterations. As a result, the code is more readable and there are fewer errors during the development process. The problem that many Java developers are familiar with is NullPointerException that happens when accessing null reference from code and causes runtime errors and crashes. In Kotlin, a developer cannot directly assign null value to any object or variable.
Step 1: Setting up the Project
There have been avid Kotlin users in the Vaadin community for pretty much the whole history of Kotlin, as well as libraries to better utilize Kotlin language features with Vaadin. KotlinConf workshops focus on real-world projects and solutions, guided by hosts who are either members of the JetBrains team or certified trainers. Sharing your knowledge helps others solve real problems, improve their skills, and discover better ways to use Kotlin for their server-side projects.
At the end of this process, you should have a project with a structure as shown. I like to check “Use auto-import” and “Create directories for empty content roots automatically”. This is a stylistic choice, you can leave the default options in and continue if you like.
Detekt is a static code analysis tool that operates with the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin compiler. It is easy to set up with Gradle and there’s also an IntelliJ IDEA plugin that simplifies configuration. It is a 2-in-1 tool that provides linting and formatting (supported via EditorConfig) for Kotlin code. A number of extensions were added to the Spring core API specifically to provide better support for Kotlin. This blog post is partially based on presentation content from the Kotlin 1.4 Online Event. Kotlin is a productive and powerful language used in 95% of the top 1,000 Android apps.